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Ukrainian-American Birth Defects Program

FAS Diagnosis Trainings in Rivne

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Lyubov Yevtushok,
UABDP Medical Director

On June 2-3, 2003 a group of American specialists visited the Rivne UABDP Center. The group consisted of Dr. Wladimir Wertelecki (Ukrainian-American Birth Defects Program Director, Chair of the University of South Alabama Department of Medical Genetics (Mobil, Al), secretary-treasurer of the World Alliance for the Prevention of Birth Defects), Prof. Ihor Barylyak (Ukrainian Alliance for the Prevention of Birth Defects President), Dr. Kenneth Jones (Professor of Pediatrics, Chair of the Dysmorphology and Teratology Department of the University of California Medical School (San Diego, Ca), Dr. Christina Chambers - epidemiologist, Departments of Pediatrics and Family and Preventive Medicine of the University of California (San Diego, Ca), Dr. Andrew Hull - obstetrician and gynecologist with specialization in medicine of the fetus and mother of the University of California (San Diego, Ca).

The trip had the following objectives:

  1. Preparatory meetings concerning the implementation of the pilot project on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome prevention.
  2. Carrying on seminars and trainings of medical stuff:
    • Dr. K. Jones: Training of neonatologists and geneticists "Diagnosis of FAS in newborn: exam, diagnosis, photographs".
    • Dr. A. Hull: Training session for ultrasonographers "Review of ultrasound equipment, standard procedures and recording capability for 2D ultrasound; observe routine 2D ultasounds of obstetric patients".
    • Dr. Ch. Chambers:
      • Training of screeners for maternal alcohol use (training sessions #1-2): "General screening and specific screening to identify subjects at prenatal clinics".
      • Training of prenatal interviewers/case managers (training session #3): "Subject recruitment, interview procedures, recording of data, retention procedures".
      • Meeting with data entry and data management personnel.
  1. Drs. W. Wertelecki, I. Barylyak: participation at the round table discussion "The Educational Role of the Information Resource UABDP OMNI-centers" and in some working meetings:
    • with leaders of Rivne oblast state administration and health care department;
    • initiative group of the project "The Early Stimulation of the Intellectual Development in Orphans";
    • initiative group of Rivne oblast NGO "Parental Association of Special Needs Children";
    • with Rotary clubs representatives;
    • with professor I.Pasichnyk, the rector of National University "Ostroh Academy";

On June 2, 2003 working meetings participated by Drs. W. Wertelecki, K. Jones, Ch. Chambers, A. Hull and I. Barylyak with the initiative group on preparation for the FAS Pilot Study in Rivne oblast took place in Rivne Oblast Clinical Diagnostic Center. During the meetings the study management at every stage of the FAS project realization (prenatal clinics, prenatal ultrasound examination, neonatologists, geneticists) and approaches to the application of Early Intellectual Stimulation and Reduction of Mental Subnormality Programs were discussed.

On June 3, 2003 an introductory part of the training for 95 medical specialists from Rivne and rayons of Rivne oblast (rayon pediatricians, heads of prenatal clinics, rayon narcologists, pediatricians and neonatologists from Rivne and rayons, prenatal ultrasound specialists, geneticists) in the course of which Dr. K. Jones gave a lecture "Clinical approach to FAS diagnosis". Drs. Ch. Chambers, K. Jones, A. Hull explained the objectives and key points of the study and primary stages of medical stuff training.

The introductory part was followed by the training sessions.

Dr. K. Jones held two trainings for 12 neonatologists, 2 geneticists, 3 pediatricians from Rivne orphanage and 1 pediatrician from Kherson how to exam newborns, diagnose FAS and take photographs. The trainings were held in Rivne Municipal Orphanage.

Dr. K. Jones (sitting left) shows how to examine a child
Dr. K. Jones (sitting left) shows how to examine a child

Dr. Ch. Chambers held 2 trainings of 50 medical specialists from Rivne and Rivne oblast (rayon pediatricians, chiefs of prenatal clinics, narcologists) and 2 geneticists from Kherson. In the course of trainings they viewed the questions of general and specific screening to identify subjects at prenatal clinics: for all medical specialists who come in contact with women who might be pregnant or not.

Dr. Ch. Chambers
Dr. Ch. Chambers

Traning #3 "Subject recruitment, interview procedures, counseling, recording of data, retention procedures" was held by Dr. Ch. Chambers for 4 medical specialists (3 obstetrician-gynecologists, 1 geneticist) and 1 data entry officer.

Dr. A. Hull held 2 trainings on review of ultrasound equipment, standard procedures and recording capability of 2D ultrasound for prenatal ultrasound specialists from Rivne and Kherson oblasts. Trainings took place in the prenatal ultrasound examination room of genetic consultation in Rivne Oblast Clinical Diagnostic Center. During the training sessions ultrasound specialists together with Dr. A. Hull performed routine examinations of obstetric patients. The attention was focused on the study-specific measurements required for ultrasound protocol of FAS risk-group women examination, recording and storing of data.

Dr. A. Hull during the training
Dr. A. Hull during the training

On completion of the training sessions there was held a summary meeting concerning the implementation of the pilot project on FAS diagnosis and prevention participated by Drs. W. Wertelecki, K. Jones, Ch. Chambers, A. Hull, Ihor Barylyak, L. Yevtushok.

During the "Educational Role of the Information Resource UABDP OMNI-centers" round table discussion the participants talked over the necessity of continuation to hold the educational activities among the general population regarding the BD prevention, especially concerning the preventive role of folic acid and folic acid flour fortification.

The emphasis was made on the importance of the OMNI-centers activity in the system of medical specialists' pre and post graduate education. The fruitful collaboration between the Rivne OMNI-center and Chairs of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine of Ternopil State Medical Academy is one of the brightest examples.

Also the results of the OMNI-center and oblast scientific medical libraries cooperation were shown. The agreement with the oblast newspaper "Medychny Visnyk" to publish IBIS materials for medical specialists and parents was made. There is an intention to design a special issue of the newspaper that would be dedicated to the problems of children's health and development. In such a context T. Polyanska, the newspaper editor-in-chief, sounded her hope for further cooperation with the UABDP.

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22/October/2003 sl